
Great day yesterday hearing Kenda Creasy Dean over in Oxford, very challenging and thought provoking, I took some notes but haven’t had a chance to go through them yet, if I get it sorted in a reasonable time scale I may add them here but in the mean time check out youthblogs thoughts. It was also great to see the above mentioned Youthblog, and Deep Thought, plus to meet Easyrew and Holy Phil and another possible future blogger but I’m not allowed to mention that. I must apologise to both Easyrew and Holy Phil as I have discovered that nether of you are on my blog roll although of course Easyrew hasn’t been updated for a couple of months! I really should go thought and update that section of the page, I will do that also! i did find it every encouraging to discover that I am not the only blogger with a list of subjects etc to blog about on my desk next to the computer that I just never get around to, how about you do you have a list?
Lastly just to say the bus is going for MOT tomorrow morning, please pray that it goes through ok and also as we look to how we keep this work going as the current bus is becoming increasingly expensive to run but a newer bus is a LOT of money, something we are short of at the moment.

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