Feeling privileged but old!

This weekend it was a great privilege to be invited to the wedding of Friends Mark and Lizzie. Lizzie joined the youth group Gill and I were running in our previous church when she was 13 and we saw her change and grow a lot over the next 4 years, including seeing the beginning of the relationship with Mark, they made such a great couple and it is great to see them now going on to make this commitment to each other. But have I really been in full time youth work that long that 13 year old members of my group are now old enough to get married? Of course Lizzie is not the first to get married, but she is the first who we saw through from the younger group that we did. The others who have got married (or are about to) didn’t even invite us (not that I’m bitter Peter or Laura!) but they were near the top end of their groups. It is always such a privilege to see the young people you work with go onto such great things, Not just in marriage but to see several now involved in ministry either voluntarily or as a job. To all those I have worked with over the years you have been such a great encouragement and I thank you for that, may God continue to guide and bless you in your lives and to Lizzie and Mark, thank you for letting us share in your special day and I pray that you will know God as the foundation of your love, drawing you closer and stronger everyday to each other and to himself.

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